flag down
英 [flæɡ daʊn]
美 [flæɡ daʊn]
- signal to stop
- Let's flag down a cab--it's starting to rain
- The policeman flagged down our car
- In the garden he had a tall mast with a flag atop, and he hauled it up and let it down with ropes, and used strange sailor talk, such as country folk don't understand.
他在花园里树了一根桅杆,顶端有一面旗子。他用绳子把旗子升起,降下。他说的一些奇奇怪怪的水手话,乡下人是听不懂的。 - We looked out at the Kremlin on the other side of the Moscow River. The Red Flag was fluttering down for the last time.
我们把目光投向窗外,看着莫斯科河对面的克里姆林宫&在那里,迎风飘动的红旗正最后一次被降下。 - One red flag is when management sits down with us and right off asks," What do you think is wrong with our share price?"
一个危险信号是当我们和管理团队坐在一起时他们迫不及待地问:“你认为我们的股价有什么问题?” - Then, outside, he got the cab that we were trying to flag down.
出来后,他和我们招了同一辆出租车。 - You flag down that car, you bury your daughter.
你把车停下,你就得埋葬你女儿。 - Taxi drivers and Taipei City government officials are considering a number of proposals for a flag down fare hike almost certain to be implemented next month.
台北市政府和出租车司机正在考虑出租车起步价调涨的几个方案,调涨时间基本确定在下个月。 - When the flag wants to push up we pull it down;
当旗帜想要上升时我们拽着它下来; - MOVING house is always traumatic, and the odd tear would have been forgivable as the flag came down over America's old base at the South Pole.
举家搬迁难免令人黯然神伤,看着国旗从美国南极站老基地上缓缓移下,即使潸然泪下也是情有可原。 - When it began to rain, I had to flag down a taxi.
天开始下雨了,我不得不拦了一辆出租车。 - At tomorrow's closing ceremony, the Olympic flag will be handed over to London; the next Olympic Games are to be hosted just down the road from the Undercover Economist.